Weekly Astrology Forecast I January 22: Celebrate Yourself with this Full Moon in Leo Spell

Posted by Chelsy Lugo on

Mantra: “I feel comfortable taking space and shining my light to the world.” 

Get ready to show off! The first Full Moon of 2024 arrives on Thursday, January 25th at 9:54 a.m. Pacific Time. Rising in the skies of Leo, this lunation is fiery and full of “what about me?” energy. Arguably, it’s one of the best times of the year to remind yourself of your innate gifts, talents, and ability to stand out from the crowd. 

Just a few days ago, the Sun entered Aquarius, putting the energetic focus on community, friendships, and society at large. As the Moon sits exactly across from the Sun this week, we get our yearly reminder that without taking care of number one, there is not much we can do for others. Sometimes highly misunderstood for being attention-seeking, Leo energy is best harnessed when we become our own champions, allowing ourselves to be proud of who we are and how far we’ve come. At this Full Moon, open your heart and love yourself to the fullest with the spell below: 

Leo Full Moon Spell

You will need three printed pictures of yourself, a gold marker, a piece of Bumblebee Jasper, and a yellow candle. 

Bring your ritual supplies to a space in your house where you feel totally comfortable and at peace. Light your yellow candle and while holding the piece of Bumblebee Jasper in your hands, repeat the following mantra three times: “That the Moonlight illuminates the deepest corners of my entire being.” 

Next, grab your printed images and begin connecting with them by reminding yourself why you chose them, why you like them, and the story they tell about your persona. Grab each one of them in your hands as you imagine a beacon of golden light coming in through the window, illuminating in each image, something special about you. What’s most important in this step is to allow yourself to fully sink in a feeling of self-love and self-adoration. 

Once you feel ready, grab your gold marker and begin adding golden accents to your images. Add a crown to one and maybe stars to the other one, and perhaps the image of the Sun and the Moon to the third one - get creative! When you are finished, spread the images in different parts of your place to remind yourself to take space and feel good about your gifts! 


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