Weekly Astrology Forecast I July 10 - Mars & Asteroid Pallas in Virgo: Take Charge of Your Life

Posted by Liz McKenna on

As you enter the second week of July, notice the take-charge energy that currently impregnates the air. This week, two planetary archetypes are teaming up to assist us in taking care of business. Planet Mars and Asteroid Pallas Athene have been traveling together since June 7th in the skies of Leo, reminding us of the joys of living life to the fullest. It’s been fun—but as they both change signs, we are all being called to come back down to earth so we can tend to our foundations. 

 To better understand the astral configuration that’s above us, let’s pull it apart. 

 In astrology…

Mars represents action, drive, will, life force, and yin, masculine energy. 

Pallas Athene represents wisdom, strategy, skill, intelligence, and problem-solving divine yang energy.  

Virgo is the zodiac sign that organizes, analyzes, and skillfully and meticulously fixes things to perfection.  

As you can see, this planet-asteroid-zodiac sign combination can be incredibly helpful when it comes to getting our lives fine-tuned. And luckily, it will be active from July 10th to August 9th. While Virgos will be feeling this energy the most, all zodiac signs can harness its power towards the area that is now requesting attention.   

Practical Ways to Harness Mars & Pallas in Virgo

Finance: For this, you will need the help of either Excel sheets or an app. Go back to see how much money you’ve spent every month in order to formulate a budget you can stick to. Not many of us like to crunch numbers, but this is one of Virgo’s specialties and the way to get yourself out of debt or save up for that retirement home in Greece! 

Career: If your career or business currently feels all over the place, this combination will help you separate the wheat from the chaff. Begin by writing a list of how much time each task takes and the results it is bringing to you. By doing this, you will have a better idea of what needs to be axed and what should stay.  

Wellness: Virgo is not only a can-do sign, it also has connections to health and wellness, as it brings the archetype of “the Healer.” While Virgo season doesn’t arrive until the late Summer, we can now put a strategy in place that can help us live a life that brings more awareness of our bodies. Virgo equals mind-body-spirit communion.

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