Soul-healing Affirmations for the October 14 New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra

Posted by Chelsy Lugo on

Prepare to be in full communion with your soul! The first eclipse of the season arrives on Saturday, October 14th at 10:55 a.m. Pacific Time. Today, what would normally be a New Moon in Libra in any given year, is now a fivefold force as the Sun, Moon, Mercury, the Lunar South Node, and asteroid Pallas unite in this harmony-seeking zodiac sign. As the Sun and Moon have their celebrated and legendary kiss, almost every other planet in the sky is watching! 

If any given Solar Eclipse is three times more powerful than a New Moon, we could say this one is five times more powerful. Eclipses are so crucial for our spiritual growth, that they are seen as the most energetically charged astrological events in the entire year. For this reason, this week, expect change within your one-on-one relationships but also within group dynamics, as this time around, this is a highly sociable influence. Eclipses accelerate time, bring energetic adjustments, and release information to the surface. The good news? Even if it’s deep inside, you are ready and most likely have been preparing for these changes to occur!

Since July 18th, the cosmos has been requesting that we remove the shadow side of Libra from our lives. Doing ritual work around letting go of selflessness, people-pleasing, and co-dependency has been and will remain the vibe. At this eclipse, our ability to listen to this call gets tested, asking us to re-align with these changing times. 

Under this astro-weather, we are all healing our attachment to external harmony, the automatic desire to run away from conflict, and most importantly, the tendency to see ourselves through someone else’s eyes. This is deep soul work because what Libra wants is to “keep the peace,” sometimes at all costs! There was never an easier time to put yourself first, but the following self-healing soul affirmations can help: 

Your Solar Eclipse Mantras:

“I am the spiritual warrior, prepared to heal my own shadow.”

“I am passionately transforming my relationship with myself.”

“I chose this path because I needed to learn to put myself first.”

“I am the leader of my own life; I consciously create my own reality.”

“I am learning to turn off the outside opinions and listening to myself more.”

“I am never alone; I have a whole team of angels, spirit guides, and ancestors rooting for me.”



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